Content Production And Editorial

Related education:

  • MA & PG Diploma, Multi-Media Journalism
  • BA, English Language and Literature


Related roles:

  • Copywriter – Apple
  • Content and social media producer for Crash Bandicoot: On the Run – King Games
  • Content producer – and PlayStation.Blog
  • News, reviews and feature writer – Eurogamer
  • News writer –
  • Feature writer and reviews writer – Teletext’s Game Central
  • Guest reviewer – Sky One’s Gamesville
  • Games producer and editor – Yahoo!
  • Guest reviewer and anchor – ITV’s Revved Up
  • Writer and console section editor – Games Domain

Full employment history (LinkedIn)

Get in touch for rates


Okay, so this is all taking longer than expected. Sorry about that. But currently my only reliable net access is a) at work (which obviously I can’t really entertain) and b) at a nearby wi-fi bar close to where I’m currently living. And while that…

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Gone SCEE-ing

I’m still here. Although I seem to have made a fatal error in not being able to have net access at home… which wouldn’t be a problem if my articles were obtainable outside my laptop. Which they’re not. So I’m left with several articles on…

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A moment of clarity

Okay, so here’s the situation. Next week I step back into the inescapable rabbit hole that is the Games Industry -capitals for she who must be obeyed- full-time. Having been knocking around its flashing coloured district for the past six years (the last two being…

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“Let me have that ammo crate.” “It’s yours.” “Anyway, like you were saying. Are you serious?” “I sh*t you not. His Dad’s brother turned out to be his actual Dad. F*cked up, I know. When that got out in school, all the kids were calling…

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Penny for the Guy?

Sorry. This is taking far longer than I ever imagined, and the sheer amount of stuff I’ve had to juggle the past few weeks has left me floundering a little. To say I’m in the middle of a transitional phase would be a very kind…

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Giving the dog a bone

Apologies on the really late update – time is not on my side right now and I’m working away on-site for a bit which is going to make things difficult. So consider this a temporary hiatus until I can juggle things around. As a slight…

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One year later…

Is it that time already? I’ve spent most the past seven days doing my usual work and such, only to have the week sneak up on me and leave me wondering what the heck I’m going to put here now in the continuous and irritating…

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