This is taking far longer than I ever imagined, and the sheer amount of stuff I’ve had to juggle the past few weeks has left me floundering a little. To say I’m in the middle of a transitional phase would be a very kind understatement. So while all this ‘behind the scenes’ stuff gets done, this site suffers a tad. Apologies. The good thing I can say is that when more stuff starts coming out (each month gets me closer to that approximation, even though the goalposts keep shifting) I’ll at least have an abundance to talk about, even if the time may be a little sporadic to talk about it.
As it stands, my full year as a fiction writer has passed with only a few hiccups, for which I’m grateful. There’s a sore temptation to start another series, but that would be utterly stupid given the sheer amount of writing I’m dealing with at the moment; currently three series’ are going (2 on a monthly deadline), with a fourth currently being looked over by a publisher who will likely give me a ‘yay’ or ‘nay’ in the next couple months. Should that one get accepted, it’ll bring the tally up to four, on top of a few other projects and my other work. If my brain explodes, there will be no output except blood, matter, itty bitty bits of skull and the small alien called Lispso who controls my whole body, so my overzealous ambitions will have to wait for now.
On a slight side-note, you can help me out a little if you have the time and are so inclined. As random as this may seem, is there a particular romance/drama/love story that stands out for you that you may have read or seen? If so, what did you like about it? Doesn’t matter if it’s Romeo and Juliet or Titanic, throw some titles at me and why, and I’ll take a look. It’s all part of my research and will be appreciated 🙂
Oh, and if you heard loud, booming laughter yesterday, that was probably me, cackling at the Aston Villa/Chelsea score. ‘Tis the stuff footballing dreams are made of, for this Villa fan… and likely many others too. The Martin O’Neill/Randy Lerner revolution continues…
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