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Tales From the Plex 2 – overview (press release)

Apr 05, 2007

HALF-HUMAN BABY MONKEYS IN A JAR! THE WORLD’S CUTEST EVER GRIM REAPER! MURDER ON MARS! IT CAN ONLY BE THE RETURN OF THE FUTURI-PLEX! Futurius: TALES FROM THE PLEX 2 is coming this April! The 160-page, 8.5 x 11” black and white anthology book will…

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Something for the weekend. Or week. Or three…

Apr 01, 2007

Three weeks. That’s all that stands between now and the release of Futurius’ Tales From the Plex Anthology Vol 2. Official release date is April 22nd, (which also happens to be the Editor’s birthday) so the promotional drive is building from a distant rumble to…

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Back Luck Inc. Character Preview two – MinRep

Mar 26, 2007

(Bad Luck Inc. title logo created by the talented Brian J. Crowley ( This sinister looking gentleman here, is MinRep. The antagonist of Bad Luck Inc. and the embodiment of everything that is unpleasant and bad in corporate life. (This isn’t to say I think…

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The calm before the preview

Mar 25, 2007

Before I launch into this week’s Bad Luck Inc. preview, just a quick update on things. Tales From the Plex Volume 2, where Bad Luck Inc. will be included, is about this close *holds thumb and finger a centimetre apart* from being completed. The Editor,…

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Something about “late” and “date”

Mar 18, 2007

This isn’t a proper update. Nope, that’s coming… well, maybe not tonight or tomorrow, but soon. Basically I’m snowed (bah, weather) with stuff at the moment and trying to keep my head above water with the numerous assignments I’ve got threatening to break my skull….

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Back Luck Inc. Character Preview one – Neon

Mar 12, 2007

This is the main character of the story, Neon, and our entry into a world of corporate hell. Drawn by the excellent Yui Marr, Neon is has gone through a bizarre evolution in the process of Bad Luck Inc.‘s conception and eventual realisation. If you’ve…

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A flirtation with procrastination

Mar 12, 2007

Was so close to putting this off -again- because of several reasons: 1) There’s been several bits of good news regarding my comic work2) Laziness 3) The Futurius Anthology which it’s featured in is still at least a month off 4) Because of reasons 1)…

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An interlude in the eye of the beholder

Mar 06, 2007

I wasn’t planning this, but I thought: the hell with it. Why not share. There’s a couple things happening with my comic work this week, one of which I cant quite publicly divulge yet until the ink dries (but it’s good news), the other is…

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The Martini People

Mar 02, 2007

Heh. Bit later than planned, here’s some pics from the recent birthday outing (not mine – I’m not even sure if I can be bothered to go out next week for it anymore, too many other things going on); Mark’s 28th. There’s an amusing, if…

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Comic book updates

You can also join Corey’s Patreon for updates, writing advice, games/comics industry stories and more, here.

11 months ago

Magic of Myths
"Gutters are your secret weapon."No, I will not provide any context to that statement.…Okay, fine. Maybe a little.With all the crazy social media hoo-ha about comic book scripts recently, I thought it was about time to dive into the basics of my writing methods, and why using 'the Marvel Method' that Stan Lee used (and some writers continue to use today) is far from "lazy".The first part of my comic book writing class is free to read until Monday before it locks to upper tier subscribers, so feel free to spread the word (or words, as it were) #gamedev #writing #writerslife #videogames #blackwriters #gaming #writersofcolor #writersofinstagram #amwriting #videogamewriting #videogamewriter #fictionwriter #bame #blackauthors #gaming #writingclass See MoreSee Less
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