Blog Archive


Jul 01, 2009

There’s less of me chatting and more of me quietly getting on with it this week. Why? Because Insomnia has officially signed up an artist partner for my (and now, our) forthcoming graphic novel, Butterflies and Moths. Step up and take a bow, the talented…

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Butterflies, Magic and a little bit of murder

Jun 20, 2009

It’s a sometimes scary thing, this writing business. After having six stories published and more on the way, the feeling of mind-numbing anxiety has lessened a little, knowing that something I’ve spent days/weeks/months working on will be read and judged within mere minutes, but it’s…

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“What would you do?” Weekly preview countdown… panel 5

May 19, 2009

Butterflies and Moths: Fragile – out now in Layer Zero: Choices

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“What would you do?” Weekly preview countdown… panels 3 and 4

May 07, 2009

Butterflies and Moths: Fragile – coming May 2009 in Layer Zero: Choices

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“What would you do?” Weekly preview countdown… panel 2

Apr 28, 2009

Butterflies and Moths: Fragile – coming May 2009 in Layer Zero: Choices

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“What would you do?” Weekly preview countdown… panel 1

Apr 22, 2009

Butterflies and Moths: Fragile – coming May 2009 in Layer Zero: Choices

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Four colour explosion

Apr 09, 2009

Isn’t it nice to come back from a great holiday and be greeted by lots of pleasant surprises? Comic book news is coming in thick and fast, so let’s jump straight into it… * Mine and Ariyana Vidya’s short story, Butterflies and Moths: Fragile, is…

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The Sound of Her Wings

Mar 21, 2009

So. I’ve been officially signed up to write a graphic novel. For Insomnia Publications. This is a Very Nice Thing. Maybe not the initial creation of the graphic novel itself – I’ve written novelettes, novellas and two half novels (one 30,000 words, the other nearly…

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Talking pictures

Mar 03, 2009

I’ll let this one speak for itself – a sneak preview of fantasy realism short story, Butterflies and Moths: Fragile (coming this summer in Insomnia Publications’ forthcoming anthology Layer Zero: Choices). More to come… Butterflies and Moths: Fragileby Corey Brotherson and Ariyana Vidya Page one…

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Comic book updates

You can also join Corey’s Patreon for updates, writing advice, games/comics industry stories and more, here.

10 months ago

Magic of Myths
"Gutters are your secret weapon."No, I will not provide any context to that statement.…Okay, fine. Maybe a little.With all the crazy social media hoo-ha about comic book scripts recently, I thought it was about time to dive into the basics of my writing methods, and why using 'the Marvel Method' that Stan Lee used (and some writers continue to use today) is far from "lazy".The first part of my comic book writing class is free to read until Monday before it locks to upper tier subscribers, so feel free to spread the word (or words, as it were) #gamedev #writing #writerslife #videogames #blackwriters #gaming #writersofcolor #writersofinstagram #amwriting #videogamewriting #videogamewriter #fictionwriter #bame #blackauthors #gaming #writingclass See MoreSee Less
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