Blog Archive

Meeting Twilight

Jan 01, 2010

Happy New Year! Okay, so it’s coming a bit late in the day, but as the first entry of 2010 it’s still relevant. Which in turn reflects my hopes that this blog will be more relevant this year, through a combination of more frequent updates…

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Butterflies and Moths art preview – Page 2 to 10

Dec 25, 2009

Merry Christmas to you all 🙂 Here, as promised, is the preview to forthcoming graphic novel, Butterflies and Moths. Jen‘s artwork isnt totally finished in some cases, and obviously un-lettered, but there shall be more in the coming months. If you’re still wondering what the…

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Merry Christmas! Plus, a little extra…

Dec 24, 2009

Preview image 1 – Butterflies and Moths (graphic novel, late 2010)Artwork by Jennie Gyllblad Later than planned, yet earlier than it would have probably been, this update comes with a modicum of Christmas cheer, sprinkled with a dash of weary caution that has come with…

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This is what happens…

Dec 22, 2009

…when crazed comic book creators meet up. Butterflies and Moths artist, Jennie Gyllblad and myself, chatting in a cafe about the graphic novel, comics, art and random drunks accosting her (which led to my oh-so peaceful suggestion here). Drawn by Jen, with alarming speed. After…

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Twilight comes around once more

Dec 21, 2009

Merry Christmas/happy holidays! I know I’ve been talking about a story I wrote which was recently released and on sale, but now is not the time to discuss that – we’ll come back to it in a month or so when the time is more…

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Nov 24, 2009

The promised new entry is on its way, with a lot to talk about – but as a quick aside, I’ve finally added some extra functionality to this site, so it’s easier to keep track of my ramblings, buy comics (some extra stuff on that…

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The slow march to madness

Oct 27, 2009

Apologies on the lateness of this entry – there’s a full update on the way, I promise. Life has just been a little unkind recently, so I’m playing catch up with a lot of things. In the meantime, another piece of art from Jen‘s lovely…

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Butterflies and Moths – the artistic angle of Angel

Sep 09, 2009

I’ve spent a long time writing in different mediums, but if there’s anything which reminds me why comics/sequential art is my most loved, it’s getting artwork back from your original script and seeing your vision not only realised, but combined with someone else’s vision –…

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Butterflies and Moths – the earliest of previews

Aug 14, 2009

I’m still here! Honest. I am. It’s been a busy month, so apologies on the lack of updates – and to be honest, much of it has been spent trying to write my fantasy drama graphic novel, Butterflies and Moths. It’s five chapters long, and…

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Comic book updates

You can also join Corey’s Patreon for updates, writing advice, games/comics industry stories and more, here.

10 months ago

Magic of Myths
"Gutters are your secret weapon."No, I will not provide any context to that statement.…Okay, fine. Maybe a little.With all the crazy social media hoo-ha about comic book scripts recently, I thought it was about time to dive into the basics of my writing methods, and why using 'the Marvel Method' that Stan Lee used (and some writers continue to use today) is far from "lazy".The first part of my comic book writing class is free to read until Monday before it locks to upper tier subscribers, so feel free to spread the word (or words, as it were) #gamedev #writing #writerslife #videogames #blackwriters #gaming #writersofcolor #writersofinstagram #amwriting #videogamewriting #videogamewriter #fictionwriter #bame #blackauthors #gaming #writingclass See MoreSee Less
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