Blog Archive

The fine art of misdirecti– *disappears*

Jul 15, 2007

Sorry about the lack of updates or even the lack of surprises I had planned originally. Let’s just say the week got away from me and things didn’t quite play out as I wanted. But still, lots of good things happened. Just stuff I can’t…

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Pray… for… Mojo…

Jul 07, 2007

It’s my birthday today! Ok, it isn’t. Just seeing if you were paying attention. It was actually my first full week without hayfever in ages… …but it ended up being a week where I got food poisoning instead. Hn. At least I didn’t have to…

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Where Angels Dare to Tread – Extract 2

Jun 28, 2007

Chapter 2 can be read here: Chapter 3 Anima both hated and loved hospitals. She could never understand this conflict of feeling, but in the fog of uncertainty her duality was one clear thing. Which in itself was a nice sensation. Certainty was not…

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Waiting for Godot / (they do not move)

Jun 28, 2007

Well, my audience figures have been skyrocketing the past two days, and I have no real idea why. Seems that Manhunt images are in at the moment which makes sense, but what makes less sense is people being directed to here looking for “man”, “m”…

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The Manhunt 2 mess

Jun 21, 2007

A bit aside from my planned entry today (the Angels/Demons extract will come next week, don’t worry) – really just wanted to focus on the whole Manhunt 2 ban issue/debate that’s managed to span across the mainstream press this week. I’ve written a column over…

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Taking a load off. On me.

Jun 14, 2007

A bird took its afternoon break on me today. That’s to say, it decided the precise moment I was walking underneath it, it would unload the discarded contents of its breakfast upon my head. It’s a funny thing, having an avian dump on you. Strange…

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Bad Luck Inc. – the annotations and expose pt 3

Jun 06, 2007

So, this is the last part of my Bad Luck expose. Just going to jump straight to it… PAGE SEVENThe crux of Bad Luck Inc., all narrated in first person by Neon. The main things to pick out here, is that control, for the employee,…

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Bad Luck Inc. – the annotations and expose pt 2

May 29, 2007

Okay, back to the slow unraveling of Bad Luck Inc. It’s been nice to hear people tell me they didn’t realise so much was within the story, which I guess is the point, as I try to pack as much subtext and multiple meanings within…

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Bad Luck Inc. – the annotations and expose pt 1

May 23, 2007

You’re never supposed to explain your ‘art’. At least, that’s what they say. Explanations tend to weaken it and remove the more personal parts of which the art impresses on the audience. I agree with that to a certain degree, but as my first published…

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Comic book updates

You can also join Corey’s Patreon for updates, writing advice, games/comics industry stories and more, here.

10 months ago

Magic of Myths
"Gutters are your secret weapon."No, I will not provide any context to that statement.…Okay, fine. Maybe a little.With all the crazy social media hoo-ha about comic book scripts recently, I thought it was about time to dive into the basics of my writing methods, and why using 'the Marvel Method' that Stan Lee used (and some writers continue to use today) is far from "lazy".The first part of my comic book writing class is free to read until Monday before it locks to upper tier subscribers, so feel free to spread the word (or words, as it were) #gamedev #writing #writerslife #videogames #blackwriters #gaming #writersofcolor #writersofinstagram #amwriting #videogamewriting #videogamewriter #fictionwriter #bame #blackauthors #gaming #writingclass See MoreSee Less
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