Blog Archive

Post Bristol – the weekend of win

May 19, 2011

First up, a quick apology – my last entry (“I have a dream…“) wasn’t actually what I wrote when I last left Blogger. What was published was actually a draft of my original post, which I re-wrote and saved after, yet somehow Blogger took my…

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I have a dream…

May 13, 2011

…well, I have many dreams. And some of them I could never repeat in public. But in the spirit of keeping this post relevant, I’m happy to announce that one dream has been fulfilled: mine and Sergio’s miniseries graphic novel, Magic of Myths: season one…

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Meanwhile, down in the Bayou…

May 03, 2011

Just a little break from Magic of Myths… Jennie Gyllblad (my artist partner on graphic novel Butterflies and Moths) has done a little more artwork for our forthcoming short story for anthology Bayou Arcana. Our tale, Irons in the Fire, is nearly done, barring a…

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Apr 28, 2011

Magic of Myths: season one is so close to release (14th May, in case you didn’t know) that you can expect a fair few of my future posts to be talking about it (sorry). As my first major non-anthology book to be published, it’s been…

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The Magic is building

Apr 25, 2011

 “…And you’re back in the room.” Illness: over. Much needed break: under (going). Several days into my time off and the last vestiges of illness, along with the stresses of work are melting away. Which is just as well, as there’s plenty to do. But…

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*Expletive* happens. And everything else, too.

Apr 08, 2011

Just a quick one, sorry – my planned updates for the past few weeks have been a bit waylaid, between Magic of Myths finally hitting the printers (more on that soon), lots of work, emergency babysitting for two days straight (which was actually a strange,…

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The first of… well, not so much ‘many’, more ‘a few’

Mar 07, 2011

So, what to start with first? Hmm. As you’ll probably know by now if you’ve been following this blog and the official Magic of Myths site, most of my time of late has been taken up by the miniseries I’ve been creating along with Sergio…

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“What’s new? Lots new.”

Feb 21, 2011

Don’t worry, I’ve not abandoned this site – quite the opposite, in fact, as there’s been a fair bit happening that I’ve just simply not had time to put on here yet. But I’ve a few things in the works to keep this site a…

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Roll credits

Oct 23, 2010

It’s been a while since I’ve done this, and with a few more people coming to the site of late with the recently released stories, now is a good time to take stock and bring you up to date on everything that’s going on. I’ve…

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Comic book updates

You can also join Corey’s Patreon for updates, writing advice, games/comics industry stories and more, here.

10 months ago

Magic of Myths
"Gutters are your secret weapon."No, I will not provide any context to that statement.…Okay, fine. Maybe a little.With all the crazy social media hoo-ha about comic book scripts recently, I thought it was about time to dive into the basics of my writing methods, and why using 'the Marvel Method' that Stan Lee used (and some writers continue to use today) is far from "lazy".The first part of my comic book writing class is free to read until Monday before it locks to upper tier subscribers, so feel free to spread the word (or words, as it were) #gamedev #writing #writerslife #videogames #blackwriters #gaming #writersofcolor #writersofinstagram #amwriting #videogamewriting #videogamewriter #fictionwriter #bame #blackauthors #gaming #writingclass See MoreSee Less
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