You may have seen this on my Twitter feed already, but if you caught the hint on here from last week, this is the actual reveal – I’m exceptionally happy and humbled to have been included in this year’s Ensemble exhibition (along with seven incredibly talented people) for the London Games Festival.
Ensemble showcases BAME (Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic) UK video games talent and champions game developers from a broad spectrum of roles and a wide variety of backgrounds, and to be among seven other wonderful and inspiring peeps – Abubakar Salim, Adrian Hon, Catherine Unger, Elle Osili-Wood, Nida Ahmad, Nihal Tharoor and Rosemary Buahin – is a colossal honour. It’s obviously been a difficult and anxious time of late for everyone, so it’s been a blessing to have this to look forward to.
You can read more about us in Ensemble here:
with an Evening Standard article on us here:…/london-games-festival-ensemble…
and a physical exhibition to follow.
Oh, and more secret stuff relating to this will be revealed in the coming months… just as soon as I can stop my head from spinning.
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