It’s a strange place to be when you’re caught between your dreams and reality. Kinda like catching flu. You’re both hot and cold at the same time. And somewhere, between elation and disappointment, comes a moment where you make a choice.
Recently, I fulfilled a personal goal of mine to get a collaborative ‘solo’ project comic book into comic shops. Mine and Sergio’s pet project, Magic of Myths, was dropped off at Orbital Comics last week to be given away for free to anyone wanting a copy. Which was a surreal feeling to say the least. I’ll be doing the same again this week with my faithful and ever-loved comic shop, Nostalgia and Comics. And while it’s not quite the same as having people come in and pay for your work, it’s the closest I’ve got to having something in a comic book shop which has my name on the cover. Which is a great feeling.
At the same time, it’s anchored by the realism that this is just a small step in my overall goal. I’m working towards it, but it’s a long path that I’ve barely set out on, and that’s after a handful of published efforts, work for hire and several years of toil. Sometimes you wonder if it’s worth it. Sometimes you wonder if you’re not just talking into an airless room while people walk past. And then, once they have, and you’ve exhausted your breath, you take a big inhale… and start talking again. In the hope that a few people take notice and talk back. Desire, encouragement and the need to get further along the road to Where You Really Want To Be.
But bloody hell, sometimes it seems so far away.
So, onward and upward. Magic of Myths is now officially two issues old and moving, hopefully reaching people. If not, we’ll keep trying until it does. Issue three is nearly done and will be ready for launch on 1st July, while I’m currently writing the script for Issue 5 in the hope that it won’t confuse the heck out of people. Then, on to Issue 6 and start pushing forward with some of the planning for the mini graphic novel of the whole miniseries…
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