Tick tock goes the Clock

Ok, on to Clockwork Watch

As you may know, we broke our IndiGoGo funding target of $10,000 (thank you so much if you donated or supported us!) which meant we could go full steam ahead with our plans. We were also very grateful to be selected as the best IndiGoGo comic book project of 2011: http://www.indiegogo.com/blog/2011/12/year-in-review-indiegogos-2011-best-ggf-creative-campaigns-1.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+indiegogo_atom+%28IndieGoGo%3A+Blog%29

A nice start, indeed.

The first step is to launch The Arrival – a graphic novel and the main opening of the Clockwork Watch story. I’m currently tweaking the script (as well as adapting the follow-up, Breakaway) while Jen works hard on the artwork. You can read all about our work behind the scenes over at Anachronauts Digest: http://www.clockworkwatch.org/. Clockwork Watch creator, Yomi Ayeni, has done a few entries, as has Jen and I’ve started some entries posts on the writing side of the project.

Yomi also did an interview with Transmedia Talk over here: http://workbookproject.com/culturehacker/2012/01/21/transmedia-talk-39-clockwork-watch/, where he chats about the whole project in more depth.

Yomi is having a lot of meetings about Clockwork Watch, which is likely to be the biggest project I’ve ever worked on, so expect a ton of information and news about this soon. If things start falling into place, you’ll see Clockwork Watch in a fair few locations in the coming months…

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