Tales from the Plex Vol 2 – ON SALE NOW!

Annnnnnd we’re off.

Tales from the Plex Volume 2 has launched – on both the Editor’s birthday and, bizarrely enough, Earth day.

The lovingly created and slaved over anthology can be purchased here: http://www.lulu.com/content/760541

$4.54 (around £2.50) for a download version (PDF format)
$12.85 (around £7.05) for a proper, paperback version

Support independent publishing: buy this book on Lulu.

For more info on the anthology on a whole, the press release is
here: (http://cbrotherson.blogspot.com/2007/04/tales-from-plex-2-overview-press.html)

And we’ve been running a series of creator interviews for the anthology over here: (http://www.futurius.com/tftp.html), where you’ll find behind the scenes scoops on many of the stories and get some insight into the creative process of how each tale came together.

Regarding my story, Bad Luck Inc., here’s a handy reference guide for all the stuff out there for it.

My creator interview and 3 page preview on Bad Luck Inc.: http://www.futurius.com/tftpv2_brotherson.html

3 page preview: http://cbrotherson.blogspot.com/2007/04/bad-luck-inc-full-preview-happy-friday.html

Character profile 1: http://cbrotherson.blogspot.com/2007/03/back-luck-inc-character-preview-one.html
Character profile 2: http://cbrotherson.blogspot.com/2007/03/back-luck-inc-character-preview-two.html
Character profile 3: http://cbrotherson.blogspot.com/2007/04/back-luck-inc-character-preview-three.html

Soundtrack musings: http://cbrotherson.blogspot.com/2007/04/planet-telex-glastonbury-97.html

Thanks for your support and hope you enjoy it – feel free to pass by and let me know what you think of the whole thing once you get it.

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